I Want to Live…….

I Want To Live….


There are children raised in sorrow


on a scorched and barren plain,

scorced and barren place

there are children raised beneath a golden sun.

sunflower children

There are children of the water,


children of the sand,

Children of the sand
and they cry out through the universe,

Five children looking down into the camera screaming

their voices raised as one:

I want to live,


I want to grow,


I want to see,


I want to know,

I want to share what I can give,


I want to be,


I want to live.


We are standing all together, face to face and arm in arm.working together to change our planet

We are standing on the threshold of a dream.

No more hunger,

Child having picnic in park

no more killing,


no more wasting life away.


It is simply an idea and I know its time has come.


I want to live, I want to grow, I want to see, I want to know,


My daughter Aubrey and my son Fernando… I want you to live, grow and glow…
Location: Al-Bustan Palace, Muscat-Oman
Personal collection of photograph.

I want to share what I can give,

I want to be……..


Me and my son, Fernando…. we were enjoying every second what really matters in live… the love between us.
Location; The Burger Park-Bremen, Germany.
I will let my passion for love and life lead my way…….
I wanna share what I can give….
I wanna be…

  …I want to live..

a song and lyrics by John Denver

Brunei Darussalam, August 2013

Evita Kartikasari



7 responses to “I Want to Live…….

  1. Evita,
    What a wonderful presentation that incorporates everything we learned about diversity in this course. It truly touched my heart! Thank you for sharing.

  2. Evita,
    I love this post. Very touching photos that bring the lyrics to this song to life. Absolutely beautiful.

  3. Evita, you put together this collage of photos beautifully! I also like the way your photos provide a visual to children all over the world. I also enjoyed the song you paired with the photos! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Evita, Your blog is wonderful. I attempted to post pictures; however, when I posted my blog they did not transfer. If you have a chance, please tell me how you did yours. I enjoyed how the pictures reflected what the song said. Thank you for sharing.

  5. This is a wonderful representation. You did a great job of representing diversity and cultures. I didn’t previously know the lyrics to this song, and now I am going to have to listen to it.

  6. This is such an emotional representation. You placed a lot of respect and energy into this. Your representation is powerful and shows how every child is important to society. A job in excellent taste.

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